Panasonic introduced the tablet with the name BizPad. BizPad launched with two versions that have differences from the screen size of 7 inches and 10 inches. BizPad JT 580 VT will use a 7 inch screen, while JT 581 VT will use a 10.1 inch screen. Panasonic will launch BizPad in the global market in December 2011 or January 2012 at the latest.
Panasonic says the view from both having a high resolution. For 10.1-inch screen seems to be a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. BizPad will run on Android 3.2 Honeycomb operating system, although probably at the end before Panasonic will release updates to Ice Cream Sandwich. BizPad also boasts security features, as well as WiFi connectivity, Bluetooth, and 3G.
Panasonic BizPad also intended for the industrial segment is expected that this tablet has a higher strength than the pre-existing. However, Panasonic has not determined the amount of memory for data storage capacity of the BizPad. Prospective buyers seem to have to wait till the launch date or complete specifications of the official BizPad issued by Panasonic.
Panasonic says the view from both having a high resolution. For 10.1-inch screen seems to be a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. BizPad will run on Android 3.2 Honeycomb operating system, although probably at the end before Panasonic will release updates to Ice Cream Sandwich. BizPad also boasts security features, as well as WiFi connectivity, Bluetooth, and 3G.
Panasonic BizPad also intended for the industrial segment is expected that this tablet has a higher strength than the pre-existing. However, Panasonic has not determined the amount of memory for data storage capacity of the BizPad. Prospective buyers seem to have to wait till the launch date or complete specifications of the official BizPad issued by Panasonic.